Saturday, September 13, 2008

Weight Loss Help

Is anyone struggling with their weight? Wondering what’s a healthy way to take it off that’s effective? Let me recommend Take Shape. It’s a program that’s safe and most importantly effective. There are no meetings and no measuring. No counting carbs and no starving. You eat. A lot. And the food is delicious. I had the luck of trying out a few of the items and I have to say I was surprised. The dutch chocolate shake taste like an actual shake. There is no gritty or medicinal aftertaste that you sometimes find with “diet” shakes. It was creamy and delicious and kept me full. The real treat was the chocolate mint bar. Hello! The Girl Scouts should be suing because it tastes EXACTLY like a thin mint.

With this program you eat 6 times a day. You eat 5 meals from Take Shape and 1 meal that they call “lean and green.” The cost of the program is incredibly reasonable, again I was surprised. For less than the cost of 5 weeks of groceries you can get 5 weeks of Take Shape meals. The cost equals to be about $9 a day.

What else is great is that the program is formulated so that even diabetics can safely take part of this program. In fact, the program is certified by the Low Glycemic Research Institute. They have a variety of shake choices that include shakes for coronary health, joint health, women’s health and new shakes packed full of anti-oxidants.

I’ve seen what this plan can do for people. It’s incredible. People experience quick weight loss with lasting results. Each person has a health coach that they can call on anytime they need support or help. The best part of this plan is that you don’t have to be in the same town or even the same state as your health coach! Coaching is primarily done over the phone or even over email – talk about easy!

If you would like more information on Take Shape please contact the fabulous Joan Mueller (who lost 40 pounds on this plan). She may be reached at or on her office phone 856-552-0972. She will be more than happy to answer any questions you have or explain the program. Or check out the website at

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